Our team
At the moment our team consists of our management, our five house mothers, a nanny and four volunteers.
Mr. Lazarus Musambani has been the director of our children’s home since December 2009 and is in charge of the organisation of the Omaruru Children’s Haven together with our manager Mrs. Sonja Mumbala. This includes managing the donations and the contact with stakeholders like ministries, schools, doctors and families. Their work is an important basis for life in the Haven.
Our five house mothers ensure structure in day to day life and are the most important contact people for our children and teenagers. They live in a house with five to seven children and teenagers and take care of all of the duties that would normally be the biological parents’ responsibility. The house mothers are in charge of the children’s hygiene, the food and the bedtime and they also take care of wounds and tears. They are often the people that the children and teenagers go to first when they are struggling in school, when they succeed in something and also with their day to day insecurities or even big life-plans. The house mothers find teaching their fosterlings about traditional values and standards really important. Additionally to this, a nanny comes on a daily basis and supports the house mothers in whatever way necessary at the time.
The volunteers assist our house mothers. They organise the daily Study-, Creative- and Reading-Time and take care of other chores like for example going shopping. In addition to the educational aspect, they are in charge of games and fun and think of activities for the weekends.
On weekdays the whole team meets every morning at nine o’clock. These morning meetings are used for the exchange of information between the members of staff. The current day is discussed, tasks are distributed and problems and worries are presented, so that the group can find solutions. Although the chores are distributed, nobody is left on their own and everyone can count on help from each and every other member of the team. Through this daily interlinking a harmonic cooperation, which is based on appreciation and the common goal of making a safe home for the children and teenagers, is created.
Otilie is the housemother who has been at Haven the longest. She has lovingly raised many of our children as if they were her own. That’s why she is known as mommy to many of them. She is the matron of OCH who assists and advises every newcomer, whether it be caregiver or volunteer. Because of her open-minded and calm nature she is as solid as a rock.
Auntie Trudy finds joy in cooking and watching the children play. One of Auntie Trudy’s favorite things while working with children is watching how quickly they can resolve their arguments and become best friends again. For her, the Haven is not just a workplace; it’s a home where her heart truly belongs. She believes no matter how upset someone might feel, as soon as he/she steps into the yard, the person is met with love and a smile, which makes one feel better.
For Auntie Penny OCH is a home where you’re welcomed, cared, loved, supported and the place where you can live in peace. She enjoys having fun with the kids, especially watching them play soccer. But raising children is about so much more. She loves sharing her piece of mind with motivational talks and spiritual activities as well as sharing her skills in our computer lab and green house.
Auntie Priskila loves working with children; watching them grow up and see how they develop physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally. Apart from her daily chores looking after children’s health and education, she does Sunday school with the children every Sunday. They sing, dance, pray, and tell bible stories which is a highlight of the week for our children.

Lazarus, also known as “Omo” by everyone, which means “uncle” in Otjiherero. He is the principal of OCH. In addition to the day to day operations at Haven, he makes a point to network with external organizations as well. He is truly a cornerstone of what we do here. What Omo appreciates most about the big Haven family is the harmony of various cultures and how they strive towards a common goal.
Sonja is the manager at OCH. Along with her team, she’s committed to restoring children’s dignity and sense of security by giving them a home that provides hope, care, protection, and comfort. Her goal is to ensure the children grow up in a safe environment, so they can become strong, independent, and happy adults who can positively contribute to society. Sonja is grateful to have a dedicated team around her, all with hearts of gold, who go above and beyond for the children.
Mamiky is an essential part of the OCH, always ready to lend a helping hand. As a general worker, she takes on a wide range of responsibilities, from cooking meals and keeping the Haven clean to ensuring that the children receive the medical care they need by taking them to the hospital. Mamiky is the right hand of the house mothers, stepping in wherever and whenever she is needed.
Auntie Lena is a very important piece of the puzzle in the Haven team! As she covers for her housemother colleagues when they have their days off. She is also always down for a soccer game, helping the kids with creative school projects or repairing a broken lightbulb.